Thursday, June 21, 2007

I'm Back!

hey, I'm so sorry. I know I've not been updating lately. Very busy woh! But it was good busyness!

We had an awesome Portrait musical celebrating Parents Appreciation Day!!! Thank God for what He has done in that weekend and thank God for the awesome team who made it happened.

Everyone was so blessed and touched. And many were greatly moved especially parents and the non-believers parents......fathers. We should have asked Premier to sponsor tissue and give it out as door gifts...hehe...

I believe it's not the performance that moved people (anyways, we aren't the best singers or actors) but it was the wonderful spirit of the team that really touched God's heart and He can't help but to come and do something with the audience. The story, the songs, the script, and how it was carried out so clearly by the cast was awesome! Just couldn't find a word to describe the awesomeness!!!

I believe with all my heart this is just the beginning of greater things to come. This is the day of salvation and the day of restoration. This is the day many who are hopeless will find hope. This is the day of re-Fathering. And I believe many families are in the process of restoration and healing. and many more coming...we've got work to do people! What an honor to be in partnership with God as He carried out His master plan.

Do you wanna be part of this? Get online with the Father to know what's on His heart.


1 comment:

cfaithc said...

yay to all who worked so hard for the Portrait!
got at least 3 cell members who cried during the play. hehe very touching... especially during the slapping part... so kesian.. hope no need plaster the next day. Great Job all!